Paticipation in NVDRS
Currently, all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico are part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS).
With all states now having joined NVDRS, the mission of the National Violence Prevention Network has evolved to ensure the continued funding and implementation of the program, expand awareness of its uses, and further enhance the ability of national and state health officials and law enforcement to use NVDRS data to inform policy, prevent violent deaths and save lives.

NVDRS by State
Overseeing departments, relevent reports, and participation history are listed below for each state, district and territory. For an up-to-date list of current state program coordinators and contact information, see the CDC NVDRS State Profiles page. State administrators may access the resource repository (password required) to view a wide range of published reports and internal documents developed by various state programs.
Program started in 2014
Program started in 2019
Department of Public Health and Environment
- The Association between Toxicology and Suicide Notes among Firearm Suicide Decedents, 2004-2015
- Use of Mental Health Treatment among Those Who Had a Criminal Legal Problem Associated with Their Suicide, 2004-2015
- Alcohol and Suicide in Colorado, 2011-2015
- Violent Death among People Experiencing Homelessness in Colorado, 2004-2015
- Suicide in Colorado, 2011-2015
- Homicide in Colorado, 2004-2014
- Suicide Among First Responders in Colorado, 2004-2014
- Suicide in Colorado, 2009-2013
- Adolescent Suicide in Colorado, 2008-2012
Entered program in 2004
Entered Program in 2014
- Department of Public Health
- Research: 2016 Homicide in Connecticut
- Research: 2016 Suicide in Connecticut
- Research: 2015 Homicide in Connecticut
- Research: 2015 Suicide in Connecticut
- Research: 2015 Connecticut Violent Death Reporting System Annual Report
Entered Program in 2016
Entered Program in 2016
Entered Program in 2019
Entered Program in 2014
Entered Program in 2019
Entered Program in 2014
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago
- Adolescent Firearm Homicide in Chicago 2013-2017: Young Black Males at High Risk
- Elder Suicides in Illinois, 2015
- Suicide Rate Rises Among Illinois Youth Ages 10 to 17
- Homicide in Chicago Community Areas 2007-2015: Concentrated Risk and Stable Rates
- Intimate Partner Homicides in Illinois: 2005 through 2010
- Suicides in Chicago Decline from 2005 to 2015
- Homicides in Chicago: 2005, 2010, and 2015
- The Role of Alcohol in Homicide: 2015
- The Illinois Violent Death Reporting System
- Alcohol in Victims of Homicide
- Circumstances Surrounding Suicide by Age Group
- Community Health Needs Assessment 2013
- Examining Suicides in Illinois, 2005-08
- Homicides of School-Aged Children and Adolescents
Entered Program in 2014
Entered Program in 2014
- Department of Public Health
- Research: Suicide in Iowa, 2016
- Research: Suicide in Iowa, 2015
- Kentucky Violent Death Reporting System
- Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Center
- Child Fatality Review and Injury Prevention
- Violent Deaths in Kentucky 2005 – 2014
- An Ecological Approach to Preventing Suicide Using the National Violent Death Reporting System and County Level Health Status Data
- Does Place of Residence Affect Risk of Suicide? A Spatial Epidemiologic Investigation in Kentucky from 1999 to 2008
- Divergence in Contributing Factors for Suicide Among Men and Women in Kentucky: Recommendations to Raise Public Awareness
- The PAPM, Diffusion Theory, and Violent Death Surveillance
- Intimate Partner Violence: Homicides Followed by Suicides in Kentucky
Entered program in 2005
Louisiana Department of Health
Program started in 2016
- Characteristics of Violent Deaths Among Homeless People in Maryland, 2003-2011
- A Snapshot of Youth Violence in Maryland 2003-2011
- Maryland Violent Death Reporting System 2010 Surveillance Report
- Maryland Violent Death Reporting System 2003-2009 Surveillance Report
- Maryland Violent Death Reporting System 2009 Surveillance Report
- Maryland Violent Death Reporting System 2008 Surveillance Report
- Violent Death in Maryland: A Descriptive Report, 2004 Data
- Maryland Violent Death Reporting System, 2003 Data
Entered program in 2003
Entered Program in 2003
Montana Department of Health and Human Services
Program started in 2019
New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services
Program started in 2014
Program started in 2014
North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
- North Carolina Violent Death Reporting System 2016 Annual Report
- Violent Deaths in North Carolina, 2016
- Firearm Deaths in North Carolina, 2016
- Suicide in North Carolina, 2016
- Elder Suicide in North Carolina, 2012-2016
- Veteran Suicide in North Carolina, 2012-2016
- Youth Suicide in North Carolina, 2007-2016
- Homicide in North Carolina, 2016
- Youth Homicide in North Carolina: 2007-2016
- Child Violent Death in North Carolina, 2016
- Intimate Partner Violence in North Carolina, 2016
- North Carolina Violent Death Reporting System 2015 Annual Report
- North Carolina Violent Death Reporting System 2014 Annual Report
- North Carolina Violent Death Reporting System Annual Report 2013
Program started in 2004
Program started in 2010
- Violent Deaths in Oregon
- Research: Suicides in Oregon: Trends and Associated Factors 2003-2012
- Research: Homicide Trends and Characteristics, Oregon, 2003-2012
- Research: Suicide Among Oregon Veterans 2008-2012
Program started in 2003
Program started in 2016
Rhode Island Department of Health
- Assault Injury and Homicide Death Profile in Rhode Island, 2004-2014
- Research: Burden of Violent Death on Years of Life Lost in Rhode Island, 2006-2013
- Research: Characteristics of Suicide Attempts and Death Among those Aged 60 Years and Older in Rhode Island
- Research: Surveillance of Suicide and Suicide Attempts Among Rhode Island Youth Using Multiple Data Sources
- Research: Intimate Partner Violence/Problem and Victims in Rhode Island
Program started in 2004
South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
Program started in 2003
- Suicide and Firearm Injury in Utah: Linking Data to Save Lives
- Research: Suicide in Utah, 2012
- Research: Suicide in Utah, 2012, Youth (10-17 Years)
- Research: Suicide in Utah, 2012, Young Adults (18-24 Years)
- Research: Suicide in Utah, 2012, Women (25-64 Years)
- Research: Suicide in Utah, 2012, Men (25-64 Years)
- Research: Suicide in Utah, 2012, Older Adults (65+ Years)
- Research: Firearm Deaths in Utah
- Research: Prescription Pain Medication Deaths in Utah, 2012
- Research: Utah Suicide Toxicology Report, Fiscal Year 2009
- Research: Utah Suicide Toxicology Report, Fiscal Year 2012
- Research: Utah Suicide Toxicology Report, Fiscal Year 2011
- Research: Characteristics of and Precipitating Circumstances Surrounding Suicide Among Persons Aged 10–17 Years — Utah, 2011–2015
- Research: Domestic Violence Fatalities in Utah 2003-2008
- Research: Violent Deaths in Utah 2005
Program started in 2005
Program started in 2014
- Violent Death Among Hispanics in Virginia, 2003-2014
- Research: Violent Death Among Asians in Virginia, 2003-2014
- Research: Women and Suicide in Virginia
- Research: Suicide and Placement for Nursing Home of Hospice Care in Virginia
- Research: Homelessness and Violent Death
- Research: Violent Death in Custody, 2003-2010
- Research: Elder Suicide in Virginia, 2003-2010
- Research: Homicide Across the Life Course
- Research: Military-Related Suicide in Virginia, 2003-2010
- Research: Physical Health Problems and Suicide in Virginia: 2007-2010
- Research: Suicide Trends in Virginia, 2003-2010
- Research: Violent Death in the Workplace
- Research: Suicide Among College Students in Virginia, 2003-2008
- Research: The Geography of Death in Virginia, 2003-2008
- Research: Suicide and Criminal Legal Problems in Virginia, 2007-2008
- Research: Suicide Methods in Virginia: Patterns by Race, Gender, Age, and Birthplace, 2003-2008
- Research: Alcohol Consumption Before Fatal Suicides
- Research: Poison-Related Attempted and Completed Suicides in Virginia, 2003-2006
- Research: Final Exit: What Type of Suicide Victim Seeks Guidance? Evidence from the Virginia Violent Death Reporting System, 2003-2007
- Research: Substance Use and Violence: Clues from Homicide Victims in Virginia, 2003-2006
- Research: Circumstances Surrounding Suicides of Children in Virginia, 2003-2006
- Research: Violent Death in Virginia, 2006
- Research: Unintentional Firearm Deaths in Virginia, 2003-2006
Program started in 2003
Department of Health and Human Resources
Program started in 2016
Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Research / Data
- Wisconsin Deaths annual reports
- Burden of Injury in Wisconsin, 2011 (PDF)
- The Burden of Suicide in Wisconsin: 2007-2011 (PDF)
Program started in 2004