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Each year states submit their NVDRS data to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC, along with many states and independent parties who have requested access to this data, publish reports on violent death incidence to better understand the cause of violent deaths, and aid public health officials and law enforcement in preventing them in the future.

A collection of state, CDC, and independent reports are listed below. Contact Angela Mickalide ( to recommend a report, research study, or publication to include on this website.

Additionally, the states page includes links to each state’s violent death reporting program website and some select reports. A collection of public and behind-the-scenes producess documents have also been assembled in the resource repository, which is only accessible to authorized personnel of the state programs. 

CDC Reports

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)

Surveillance Summaries (MMWR)

Other Reports and Research


Violence is a major public health problem; In the U.S. seven people per hour die a violent death.

Access full versions as PDF and JPG files.