Each year states submit their NVDRS data to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC, along with many states and independent parties who have requested access to this data, publish reports on violent death incidence to better understand the cause of violent deaths, and aid public health officials and law enforcement in preventing them in the future.
A collection of state, CDC, and independent reports are listed below. Contact Angela Mickalide ( to recommend a report, research study, or publication to include on this website.
Additionally, the states page includes links to each state’s violent death reporting program website and some select reports. A collection of public and behind-the-scenes producess documents have also been assembled in the resource repository, which is only accessible to authorized personnel of the state programs.
CDC Reports
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)
- Suicide Rates by Major Occupational Group — 17 States, 2012 and 2015. Peterson C, Stone DM, Marsh SM, et al. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2018;67:1253–1260. (November 16, 2018)
- Firearm Homicides and Suicides in Major Metropolitan Areas — United States, 2012–2013 and 2015–2016. Kegler SR, Dahlberg LL, Mercy JA. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2018;67:1233–1237. (November 9, 2018)
- Vital Signs: Trends in State Suicide Rates — United States, 1999–2016 and Circumstances Contributing to Suicide — 27 States, 2015. Stone DM, Simon TR, Fowler KA, et al. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2018;67:617–624. (June 8, 2018)
- Suicides Among American Indian/Alaska Natives — National Violent Death Reporting System, 18 States, 2003–2014. Leavitt RA, Ertl A, Sheats K, Petrosky E, Ivey-Stephenson A, Fowler KA. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2018;67:237–242. (March 2, 2018)
- Racial and Ethnic Differences in Homicides of Adult Women and the Role of Intimate Partner Violence — United States, 2003–2014. Petrosky E, Blair JM, Betz CJ, Fowler KA, Jack SP, Lyons BH. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2017;66:741–746. (July 21, 2017)
Surveillance Summaries (MMWR)
- Surveillance for Violent Deaths — National Violent Death Reporting System, 27 States, 2015. Jack SP, Petrosky E, Lyons BH, et al. MMWR Surveill Summ 2018;67(No. SS-11):1–32. (September 28, 2018)
- Surveillance for Violent Deaths — National Violent Death Reporting System, 18 States, 2014. Fowler KA, Jack SP, Lyons BH, Betz CJ, Petrosky E. MMWR Surveill Summ 2018;67(No. SS-2):1–36. (February 2, 2018)
Other Reports and Research
- Suicide in Kentucky, 2005-2017 (2019)
- Chronic Pain Among Suicide Decedents, 2003-2014 (2018)
- Suicide Among People with Epilepsy: A Population-Based Analysis of Data from the U.S. National Violent Death Reporting System, 17 States, 2003-2011 (2018)
- Antecedents of Suicide among Youth Aged 11-15: A Multistate Mixed Methods Analysis (2018)
- Assessing Homicides by and of U.S. Law-Enforcement Officers (2017)
- Occupational Homicides of Law Enforcement Officers, 2003-2013 (2016)
- Suicide Among Military Personnel and Veterans Aged 18-35 Years by County – 16 States (2016)
- Mixed Methods Analysis of Sex Differences in Life Stressors of Middle-Aged Suicides (2016)
- Deaths Due to Use of Lethal Force by Law Enforcement (2016)
- Increase in Suicides Associated with Home Eviction and Foreclosure During the U.S. Housing Crisis: Findings from 16 National Violent Death Reporting System States, 2005-2010 (2015)
- Safe States Alliance: Stories from the Frontlines of Violent Death Surveillance (2015)
- Precipitating Circumstances of Suicide Among Active Duty U.S. Army Personnel Versus U.S. Civilians, 2005-2010 (2015)
- Intimate Partner Homicide and Corollary Victims in 16 States, 2003-2009 (2014)
- Deaths from Violence: A Look at 18 States, 2009-2010 (2014)
- Precipitating Circumstances of Suicide Among Youth Aged 10-17 Years by Sex: Data from the National Violent Death Reporting System, 16 States 2005-2008 (2013)
- Homicide-Followed-by-Suicide Incidents Involving Child Victims (2013)
- Characteristics of Suicides Among U.S. Army Active Duty Personnel in 17 U.S. States from 2005-2007 (2012)
- Sex Differences in Suicide Incident Characteristics and Circumstances Among Older Adults: Surveillance Data from the National Violent Death Reporting System – 17 States, 2007-2009 (2011)
- Suicide Categories by Patterns of Known Risk Factors (2011)
- Deaths from Violence: A Look at 17 States, 2004-2005 (2008)